Knots, Bends, and Hitches
- A bolen is a fixed loop knot that will usually be easy to untie when not under tension.
- Bolens are prone to untying in slack lines.
Clove Hitch
- Clove hitches are commonly used to tie to railings and posts.
Sheet Bend
- A sheet bend is useful in tying two lines together.
- After having tension applied, a sheet bend may become difficult to untie. If this is a consideration, a double sheet bend may be preferable.
Round Turn and Two Half Hitches
- A round turn and two half hitches is a valuable mooring knot due to it’s ability to securely fasten something to a beam or rail and still remain easy to untie after a large amount of tension is applied.
Trucker’s Hitch
- A trucker’s hitch uses mechanical advantage to apply a great amount of tension when tying two lines together.
Bolen on a Bight
- A bolen on a bight is a way to create two fixed loops in the middle of a line.
Constrictor Knot
- A constrictor knot is valuable because of it’s ability to remain tight even in slack conditions.
Figure 8 Knot
Common Whipping