Helm Orders and Communication
Helm Orders
- Prior to receiving helm orders or in between helm orders, a helmsman will typically be steering on a given course which is to say that they will be applying appropriate rudder to as smoothly as possible maintain the given course.
- Helmsmen will typically be steering on landmarks or gyro bearings
- Helmsmen should be aware of how much rudder they are applying during alterations so that the speed of their alterations match what is intended
- Helm orders may include but are not limited to the following:
- “Steady as she goes”, “Steady” means take note of and maintain the current heading
- “Starboard easy”, “Port easy”, “Easy to starboard”, “Easy to port” means turn to the respective side allowing the head of the ship to turn in a steady, smooth manner
- “Alter to XXX degrees” means to alter the current gyro heading to the one given, typically in a steady, smooth manner and then maintain that heading. Once the alteration is complete, confirm the new course. ie. “Steady on XXX degrees”
- “Midships” means bring the rudder back to a neutral or midships position (zero degrees on the rudder angle indicator)
- “Easy”, “Ease the wheel” means smoothly return the rudder to neutral or midships position so as to reduce the swing of the ship’s head.
- “Hard to starboard”, “Hard to port” means quickly bring to maximum rudder on the respective side
- “Meet her”, “Meet the turn” is an order given during a given turn to port or starboard during which the helmsman steers in the opposite direction of the turn in order to steady the head of the ship and stop the turn
- Helm orders, once received, are repeated back to ensure that the order heard matches the one given
- As always, helm orders do not preclude the helmsman from remaining vigilant in their concern for navigational hazards that the officer issuing helm orders may not yet be aware of. If there are ever safety concerns in regards to the given course, these are to be expressed without delay.
Taking the wheel
- A helmsman arriving on the bridge to relieve the current helmsman will inform the OOW as much and then standby awaiting the current helmsman to conclude any activity they are currently engaged with
- Once ready, the current helmsman will provide all relevant information for safe handling of the vessel to the oncoming helmsman. Relevant information will always include the heading being steered on but may also include:
- Vessels, buoys, and navigational hazards in relevant proximity
- Amount of rudder to be used in order to compensate for given environmental conditions
- Person responsible for issuing helm orders
- Known equipment deficiencies
- As an example: “Steering on 150 degrees gyro, sailing vessel two points to port, motor vessel overtaking on the starboard beam.”
- The oncoming helmsman repeats this back ensuring the information heard was accurate, this time with the words, “Taking the wheel”. For example, “Taking the wheel, steering on 150 degrees gyro, sailing vessel two points to port, motor vessel overtaking on the starboard beam.”
- Assuming the information matches, the outgoing helmsman reports, “Relieved at the wheel”